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Lions work to fight hunger by providing food relief, supporting nutrition programs, and helping communities grow sustainable food sources. In Africa, malnutrition remains a major challenge, especially in rural and drought-affected areas. Many children suffer from stunted growth due to food insecurity. Lions help in combating hunger by organizing feeding programs, supporting food banks, and teaching sustainable farming techniques.

District 404B2 Nigeria, in partnership with Lion Club International Foundation, organized the second phase of the Mega Hunger Relief Outreach in Ilorin on Wednesday, the 5th of February, 2025. The event featured a wellness symposium/nutrition lecture with the donation of raw and cooked food.
Over 600 participants in attendance received packed food items, including rice, cassava flour, spagehetti, and other essential condiments and seasoning. This translates to about 1800 members of the public directly benefitted from the Lions gesture, considering in Nigeria, a household consists of a minimum of a 3 member family.
This outreach is a testament to the commitment of Lions in fighting hunger, ensuring we rise to our calling of where there is a need, there is a Lion.

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